Smile for the Joy of Others

Smile for the Joy of Others

Friday, June 15, 2007

You decide...

To the readers of this blog who do not attend my church, this may not interest you nor will you probably understand what I am talking about. I will try to explain the best that I can without making this blog too long and boring. If you do attend my church, then you will know exactly what I am talking about and I hope you read with an open heart and mind.

As my fellow church members are well aware of, our church is proposing several changes concerning the future of our church. Throughout the month of June, the "Vision Team" will be presenting the proposed changes during our worship time on Sunday mornings.

I would first like to say that if you are reading this blog and are a fellow church member, I hope you will understand the seriousness of the need to attend these presentations and furthermore attend the Sunday night services to have any questions, concerns, or comments addressed in order to fully understand in detail what these changes will entail. As a church member, it is our responsibility to fulfill these duties and futhermore is expected of you whether you agree or disagree with the changes. And though you may feel that these changes will not effect you directly or personally, it is not an excuse to be apathetic.

This blog is to encourage my fellow members to be involved with the process of the changes. I pray and ask that everyone vote according to what they truly believe is God's will for the future of our church. I do not believe it is right to vote out of indifference, apathy, or just because and if that is the case, it is better that you not vote at all. You need to truly search out what you believe to be God's will. I don't believe that a vote of yes or no is wrong when you vote out of sincerity.

Don't vote yes or no because it's the "popular" vote. Be confident in your own decision. Don't merely go with the flow, sometimes we have to go against the flow in order to follow God's will. And be prideful of what you feel is God's will whether others may agree or disagree with you.

Don't vote no merely because you don't like change. Christ expects us to emerge from our comfort zone. He created change when He did away with Old Testament law. Search out why you believe yes or no. Have a reason for your vote.

Don't vote yes or no out of spite. There are some people who will literally vote no because they don't like the person(s) who developed the idea or presenting the change. There are others who will vote yes out of spite towards those who don't want change. "I'll make them change, regardless." This is a very un-Christ like attitude and is the product of a hard heart.

Don't vote out of ignorance. Vote out of knowledge. Learn the details of the change. Learn the advantages and disadvantages. Learn what Christ has to say about the changes. Be educated enough that you can vote with a clear conscience.

Don't vote for the reason of "just because". Know why you believe the way you are voting. When someone asks what your opinion is you should not have to hesitate in telling them if you can tell them why. One may not agree with your vote but it's easier to understand where you are coming from if you can give that person a reason. It creates a better understanding and mutual respect of your fellow members.

And please don't not vote because you believe your vote will not matter nor count. This is a total lie and in truth of this is your responsibility and expectation as a church member to vote.

Whether you believe it or not, whether you care enough about it or not, whether you accept it or not...the changes or lack of changes will affect the church as a whole and you as an individual member now and in the future.

Please take pride in your church. Please care enough to be informed and learn enough about the changes in order to fulfill your responsibility and expectation as a church member.

Until next time, HB

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