Smile for the Joy of Others

Smile for the Joy of Others

Wednesday, June 13, 2007

Finally, Parents being Parents

Unlike my last post, I have no problems with posting this one. We went to the water park yesterday and again had another incident but was so much more positive than last Friday's.

Let me explain why these seem to keep happening. CB loves the slide, as I have mentioned before. However, he is only 22 months old and doesn't slide like the 3 and 4 year olds. He tends to take his time and compared to the time of the older kids, it's a little slower. Well, in this particular incident the older child pushed CB on down the slide "to get him out of the way". This caused CB to land a little harder than he is used to, but nothing to the extreme as last Friday where he ended up being held under water.

This child's mother was at the bottom of the slide with the rest of us and immediately disciplined her child and and repeatedly apologized to me. You see, I wasn't mad at the child or the situation because his mother took care of it. She proceeded to take him over to their designated area and make him sit in time out. She scolded him by telling him that we do not treat our "friends" that way no matter what the reason. She then came back over and apologized again. Furthermore, before her child could get back into the water she made him apologize to CB and me.

I thanked her for being an involved and attentive parent. And actually carried on a conversation the remaining of our time there.

This situation did my heart good in that it gave me a glimpse of hope that there are still some concerned parents out there.

Until next time, HB

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