Smile for the Joy of Others

Smile for the Joy of Others

Wednesday, May 9, 2007

I do believe it's time to do laundry

Let me begin by saying that I generally do not mind cleaning my house. However, with 2 toddlers, there is not much cleaning that I can do at one time. I used to stress about my house looking like a tornado has come through. But I have learned that I can't do it all. I don't have a time when I am home by myself to do a good overall cleaning. But there are 2 chores that I hate doing that must be done on a regular basis...laundry and dishes. And I noticed yesterday that my laundry has gotten a little out of control.

It's as if my laundry room and clothes hamper are bulemic. They both seem to binge on our clothes and towels and then purge the same. As I am sure you will notice in the above pictures.
I hate doing the dishes also. The hate for these 2 chores makes me procrastinate to the point of having barely nothing to wear or having to thaw meat in the tub because the dishes have piled up. (this hasn't happened recently, but it has in the past and has the possibility of happening again.) However, I must say, that JB is good about doing the dishes most of the time.
Both chores are so redundant to the point that they repeat themselves (get the point). I think that's why I hate doing them so much. My mother, who I am sure will eventually read this, will be embarrassed. And some of you probably wonder why I would blog about such matters. I do because this is our life. And in order for you to get the whole picture of our life, you must see the good, the bad and the ugly. I would think this situation is part of "the ugly". Let's just hope it doesn't go from bad to worse.
Needless to say, you all now know what I will be doing for the rest of the week. Please feel free to join me.
Until next time, HB

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