Smile for the Joy of Others

Smile for the Joy of Others

Sunday, June 1, 2008


This week is our VBS at church. I have volunteered to help with pre-school music this year, unlike the past the 2 years. So no sleeping in and lounging around the house for us this week. We will be up early and at the church by 8:00 am with smiles of anticipation.
Yeah, right...more like dragging in barely making it in time for the 1st round of rotation with wet hair and make-up slapped on and the boys half dressed because I couldn't find the other sock, the other shoe, the pair of shorts or the other shirt. Their bag will be half packed with spare clothes but no spare underwear. The boys will be screaming when I leave them in their room and I'll be ill from the morning rush.
This year's theme is Outrigger Island. Too bad we couldn't load all 700 expected children and fly off to an actual island. Now that would be a fun way to "suffer for Jesus".
Regardless of the hard work and extra effort parents have to put forth, it will be worth it to see the children enjoy learning about God's love.
Until next time, HB

1 comment:

T!ff@ny said...

We start our VBS next night since our church is so small. I am looking forward to it b/c I love anything that has ANYTHING to do with the beach...I can always relate to that. I didn't really enjoy last years was sports related and though I like sports...I don't like them THAT much! :-)