Smile for the Joy of Others

Smile for the Joy of Others

Monday, June 16, 2008

How do I know them?

If some of you haven't noticed, I have added several links of friends that have blogs also. I thought it would be neat to share how I know them. I invite you to view their blogs as they, too, have lives to share.

The Pace Family Adventures...CDP was the former Assistant Pastor at our church. They have since moved as he now pastors a church. We miss them but enjoy keeping up them through their blog.

Cox's Comments I have know AWC since high school and have been fellow church members since then.

The Storm Front They were our Sunday School teachers when JB & I were newly weds. They took a sabbatical and missed us so much they had to come back. They are still our faithful Sunday School teachers even today.

Our Family I have known MAS since high school. We were best friends throughout college and remain close friends and we share the adventures of rearing twin boys. We too are fellow church members and have been since high school.

Garrett's Corner I have known Tiffany since high school. Actually she and my sister graduated together. She also was a fellow youth member at our church. Although she is no longer a member of our church, she dearly serves at another not too far.

McArdle Family Michelle and I went to college together although we didn't really know each other while there. JB and I became friends with them through Sunday School. They have since moved to Alabama but glad they have started a blog to make it easier watching their precious family grow up. Oh, Clay was a fellow Bama fan that JB enjoyed having in MS.

Lauren's Blog I have known Lauren since college. We also had mutual friends and she too was a fellow church member.

Leah and JP This has so many different connections. Leah's mom was my 6th grade teacher. They joined our church were Mark and I were fellow youth members with Leah not far behind. Also, Leah's parents and my parents were Sunday School member together. Although, they are members of another church, we still see them around town.

The Barnette Family Well this one goes way back. I have known Tommy since toddler-hood. Our parents were friends and members of the same church waaaay-baaaack. Tommy and I even stayed at the same child-care home for awhile. JB and I met Tommy and Suzanne a few years back through Crown Financial Ministries small group. I guess we just kinda bumped into each other through blogs.

The Caraway's I met Jeanelle through my monogramming business. She has ordered a few things from me and we have just kinda become friends through "business". She is a most talented photographer.

The Foster's I met Shana at the Gingerbread House and have become "business" friends

Miley Minutes Carrie emailed me with an order and some personal monogramming. We shared that we each had a blog and when I pulled hers up, I saw that she was married to Matt. Matt and I knew each other in college. I dated one of his roommates and we had mutual friends.

The White Family Report Tony and Meredith were members of our church and Sunday School for a short time before he took a job at as an Offensive Coordinator at a college in Kentucky.

The Cagle's Elaine and I were social work majors in college. For about 2 years, we had every class together. She and I became friends through these classes and the experiences it brought us. We were also suite mates for one year and interned as social workers together at The BCV. We also were brides maids in each other's wedding. She and Alan have since moved to TN were Alan is on staff at their church.

Meurrier Family Michael and JB played football together in college both were involved in FCA. Michael was a groomsmen in our wedding as Jeremy was in his. I came to know Meredith through JB and Michael.

The Calvert's Matt and JB played football together in college. Matt and Mandi are fellow church members, although in different Sunday School classes.

The Hosford Clan I have known Leslie since high school. She was a year between my sister and me. We also have mutual friends.

There you have it. I will try to do the same as I add blogging friends in the future.

Until next time, HB

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