Smile for the Joy of Others

Smile for the Joy of Others

Monday, June 13, 2016


Elohim: one of the Hebrew names for God. It's God the Creator.

As a believer in Christ, the Bible is the foundation of my world view. And because of this, I believe that God (Elohim) is the creator of the Earth, the universe and all the major and intricate details involved. I believe He is the creator of life and all that is needed to sustain life be it for humans, animals or plants.

When an artist creates a masterpiece, when an inventor invents a life changing device...the rest of the world benefits. We benefit from beautiful music that someone put together, we benefit from beautiful paintings someone created, when benefit from inventions of technology and machinery and medicine. But benefit as we may, only those who created it/invented it can sign their name to it. Their creations of art, music, writings or technology aren't for others to claim as their own...we can claim the benefits but not the actual fruition or idea of it.

We benefit from God's creation, but, we mere humans, can't claim to be the creator or owner of it. Because we didn't create it, we can't claim to redefine it, we can't change the creation to suit our desires because we can't and will never be able to sign our name to it. Because Elohim is God the Creator, his creation is always meant to be used to glorify Him with acknowledgement that it's His.
This is why I can never believe that any form of life or holy institution was created from anything or anyone other than Elohim, God the Creator.

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