Smile for the Joy of Others

Smile for the Joy of Others

Wednesday, October 24, 2012

One Pretty Momma of Twins

Yesterday, I decided to surprise my boys with a lunch date at school.  Well, actually, I debated all morning whether to go or not.  I wasn't exactly dressed the best and I was busy with housework.  I had initially decided not to go because I just didn't think I 'looked' the part with little make up and hair pulled back in a ponytail. I felt guilty for making the lunch date about myself instead of what it would mean to my boys.  So the more I thought about it, I realized these opportunities would soon be gone and unwelcomed as they grow older.  With that realization, I grabbed my purse and headed the 3 miles for my lunch date despite my 'less than' look of being in public.

As I waited in the commons sort of embarrassed of how I looked, their class came around the corner.  I was quickly greeted with many smiles and hellos from their classmates.

Little boy in their class: "Are you CB and BB's momma?"

Me: "Yes, sir. I am."

Same classmate: "You are pretty."

Standing there shocked with a look that clearly said, "Bless her heart, she doesn't hear that very often, especially when looking like that."    I started to ask him if I could be his momma but feared the desperation would be revealed along with the look I had on my face. So instead I simply replied, "Thank you." 

Another fellow classmate hearing I am their mother: "What?  They only have 1 momma?  I thought they had 2"

I guess he doesn't understand the concept of twins.

I came home with a new lesson learned.  My boys love me for eating lunch with them not for the way I look.  I should live the same.  Because in years to come, how I looked is not gonna be what they remember.  The way I made them feel is what they will remember.  The simple act of lunch only 3 miles from home will be remembered over any outfit, makeup, or look I had or didn't have.

And may I be reminded that when I "get over myself" and make it less about me and all about them, blessings abound plentiful in the least expected, most innocent ways. 

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