Smile for the Joy of Others

Smile for the Joy of Others

Friday, April 25, 2008

Not Much, Yet so Much...

Have you ever sat down to blog and realized that there's not much to blog about which can give a false impression of not much going on, when in reality, you are as busy as ever? I find myself doing this more often. We have been so busy with more busyness to come, yet, nothing really to blog about.

In light of that, I thought I would just update on the boys and us.

Last weekend, JB's mom came to visit. As usual, the boys wore her out. But I know she wouldn't have it any other way.

JB and I went out to eat with some friends since we had free child care.

JB led a Crown Financial Ministries' small group. This is a leadership class for church members to attend in order to start this ministry at their church. That was all day Saturday.

Wednesday we had Individual Attention night.

Tonight JB attended a meeting after work.

This Saturday, we will be going to a state park to visit with extended family. My dad will be frying fish (yum, yum). We will enjoy the time fellowshipping with our cousins, aunts, and uncles.

I am staying up late preparing for an upcoming Shopping Event (arts and crafts show)...more to come on this later.

The boys are still.........well.......the boys. They are speaking so well. You can practically have a conversation with CB. His speech is a little more advanced than BB's. Although, I occasionally have to ask the other to interpretate. And they usually know what the other is trying to say.

They enjoy riding their tricycles. CB is infatuated with sports...doesn't matter what kind as long as he can hit, kick, bounce, or throw a ball...he's happy.

BB has become more attached to me lately. I guess this is probably a phase. When I am gone, he asks for me. He wants to know where I am going. If I "get dressed" more than usual during the day, He asks "Mommy get in the car?. BB get in the car too". It's funny that he thinks the only time I "dress up" it must mean we are going somewhere. Same for picking the toys up off the floor..."Mommy bacuum?" As if that's the only reason I pick up...well, it typically is.

Both boys like warm strawberry milk in the morning. It's like their coke, their coffee, or for some their morning cappuccino. Their day doesn't start until they've had it. BB wants 1 piece of ice in his and CB wants another sippy full after the first.

They love the puppets at church. Church is not complete until they have seen the puppets perform.

They are progressing rather well with potty training. It's actually not been as hard as I thought it would be. Still have a little ways to go, but I am comfortable and satisfied with their progress up to this point.

So much more busyness to come in the upcoming days and weekends. I'm sure something a little more interesting to blog about will come along.

Until next time, HB

1 comment:

K Storm said...

I know what you is busy but sometimes it is hard to pick out something "blog-worthy" when you are trying to do so much.