Smile for the Joy of Others

Smile for the Joy of Others

Tuesday, March 18, 2008

Stuffins Gets a Diaper Change

The other morning after changing the boys' diaper, BB thought that Stuffins needed his morning diaper change also. I was in the kitchen preparing their morning strawberry milk when I walked into the den and found BB in the process of changing Stuffins diaper.

Here's a little play-by-play for you:

The wipe: He said Stuffins had "doo-doo"

Preparing the diaper before being applied.

Covering the "booty" with the diaper.

And of course, it's always good to make sure it's velcroed on really tight so not to leak.

Pick the changee up for reassurance.

And, Taa-Daa! We have a successful booty change for Stuffins!

Until next time, HB