Smile for the Joy of Others

Smile for the Joy of Others

Thursday, January 24, 2008

7 Things About Me...

Some of you may have already seen this on other blogs. However, I was tagged from other fellow bloggers to write 7 things about myself.

1. I love cereal. I could live off cereal alone. I prefer pre-sweetened...Frosted Flakes, Frosted Mini Wheats, Frosted Cheerios, Fruit Loops, Apple Jacks. You get the idea. There are many nights that I can not fall asleep until I have had my nightly fix of a bowl of cereal.

2. I love hot chocolate with hazelnut flavoring. And it must me made with real milk. Don't give me that powdered stuff you mix with hot water. That's just chocolate flavored water...YUCK! I also can't fall asleep some nights until I have had my nightly fix of hot chocolate with hazelnut flavoring. It's my guilty pleasure. Oh, and it can't be with any milk less than 2%.

3. I HATE onions. I don't care if they are the teeny tiny dehydrated onions. It's not necessarily the taste but the texture. It's like eating sand. My mom has seen me pilfer through food in search of those little bits of grain. And once I've found them...I'll no longer eat the food. If they are big enough to pick out, it's ok, I'll eat around them.

4. I have Social Anxiety. I get very nervous and anxious in large crowds and around people that I don't know very well. I am scared to silence in front of a crowd but do rather well in a small group of people. There have been times when JB has accepted an invitation to eat with friends and I have literally cried all the way to their house out of anxiety. (Don't worry my friends, this happened years ago). I didn't even repeat vows in my wedding due to my fear of being in front of people. I simply said, "I Do" and "I Will". I occasionally take medication which works wonders. But I typically get off thinking that it actually cured the problem only to find myself taking the medication again.

5. I have to have a project. When I first became a SAHM (stay at home mom), I hated it. Don't get me wrong, I loved being home with my children, but needed more than just being mom and wife in which I had when working as a Social Worker. I knew there was more to me than being a mom and I had to find ways to express my creativity, hence the reason for me monogramming. Now I have the best of both worlds.

6. I am not a phone person. I usually call with what I have to say and soon end the conversation. Occasionally my conversations will last awhile, but it didn't start off with that intention. It's not that I don't like talking to the person on the other end, but I am just not a phone person. I actually prefer communicating via email. I know this very impersonal, but I think this has evolved when I had children. When I get on the phone, they are like magnets...grabbing for attention which can make phone conversations unpleasant.

7. I absolutely can't stand fakes and those who try to impress others and me with their material things. I will write you off, if I perceive you to be that way. Don't try to impress me by being someone you are not and definitely don't try to impress me with your material things. I don't care what you have, how much you paid for it, or where you got it. I know this may sound cold...but how can be a friend to someone that's not who they say they are. Another words, I wouldn't be a friend to you, I would be a friend to who you want me to think are.

Well, I am through. I could write plenty more about myself. But instead will "tag" others to do it. Shana, Elaine, and Tracey, I'd love to read what you have to say about yourself.

Until next time, HB

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