Smile for the Joy of Others

Smile for the Joy of Others

Monday, September 19, 2016

Modest is Hottest

Since college football has started, I've seen many Facebook posts every weekend about the way girls are dressing for the tailgate parties and games. It's been noted that the newest trend is to have shorts, skirts or dresses so short that butts are literally showing. Some as young as teens with their parents.

Dads, where are you? You know what goes on inside a man's head when such images are in your sight. What a shame that you are okay with your daughter dressed like this. If you are a father who claims to be a Christian, it is your duty to see to that your family glorifies even in their dress code.  It is your duty to teach your daughters what self-respect is and what kind of respect to expect from men and boys.  While teaching sons to respect women and to control their thoughts, it's also just as much of a father's duty to teach their daughters also. 

Wives, where are you?  Mothers, where are you? It is our place to allow our husbands to be this leader of our family.  And furthermore, it is our duty to be an example of a woman who glorifies God with her dress and actions. 

And before anyone wants to blame the male for his thoughts, God made them visual beings. And, yes, they can control their thoughts, but they can't control what your daughter is wearing and there is responsibility from both sexes.

Lastly, come on, Southern Belles. We can do better than this. Belles are classy, not slutty.

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