Smile for the Joy of Others

Smile for the Joy of Others

Tuesday, September 27, 2016

Little Neighborhood Libraries

If you recall a few posts back, I was to present a proposal of placing a few Free Little Libraries in our neighborhood. 

Overcoming my phobia of speaking in front of people, I'm excited to say that my proposal passed both the Advisory Committee and the homeowner's board with the help of a fellow Advisory Committee member.

The Board has even agreed to purchase one of them with a resident volunteering to buy a second.  They have also approved for future libraries if there is a desire for other areas of the our neighborhood.  One of the libraries will be designated for children and the other for adults.  They each will be placed in respectful areas. 

My presentation part was to present to the Committee the advantages and positive influences of having a free little library in our neighborhood.  I polled members of a Facebook reading group I am a member of to help with this.  I have no doubt their perspectives helped me in my presentation.

1. Having a little library adds nostalgia to the neighborhood.  It creates a sense of anticipation and excitement especially if there is a little library designated for children. 

2.  Having a little library in your neighborhood allows for those who aren't financially able to buy books to have access to free books.  Our local libraries aren't conveniently close to our neighborhood.

3.  Having a little library in your neighborhood allows access to books for those who are unable to drive due to various reasons.

4.  Having a little library, specifically for children, allows access to free books for children whose parents don't value the importance of reading. 

5.  Having a little library in your neighborhood helps promote reading and literacy and this in turn helps promote lifelong learning.

Since approval, I've been asked to help plan some sort of 'ribbon cutting' to make aware of the little libraries.  I'm excited to see an idea come to fruition and even more excited to see it made into a bigger deal than just purchasing the libraries. 

Below are pictures the 2 libraries that will be purchased. 

The blue one is a Songbird theme.  It will be placed in the neighborhood park near the children's playground area designated for children's books.

The white on is a replica of the original Little Free Library built. It will be placed near one of the club houses and will be designated for adult books. 

I look forward to keep y'all posted on the adventures and successes of the Free Little Libraries in our neighborhood.

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