Smile for the Joy of Others

Smile for the Joy of Others

Friday, February 6, 2009

Decisions, Decisions

If you are a breathing being, then you know that life consists of decisions from as young as a toddler to the time you are no longer breathing.

My boys are already making decisions: vanilla pudding or chocolate pudding...Candy Land or Memory...Bob the Builder or Handy Manny...Do you want to go to your room or do you want to obey me? Though, these decisions can be very difficult and very important in their innocent worlds...I only wish the decisions that JB and I have to make for our boys were this easy, unchallenged with no certain circumstances.

It is time for next year's pre-school registration. Yes, although it's only February, we aren't even through with this year and the next school year doesn't start until August...we must now make decisions that can possibly effect them as far in the future as a few years from now. Where do we send them? Do we keep them where they are now? How many days do we send...2, 3, 4, or 5? What can we afford? And is the option we choose good enough?

These decisions have to be made on so many different levels of circumstances. Next year's pre-school is their last year before entering K5. And this is a big deal!

Our dilemma in this decision rests on 3 main issues: cost, preparedness and what is best for our boys. As parents, JB and I want our boys to be as prepared for K5 as best as possible, but to do this to it's fullest capacity is very costly, especially having 2 children in a tuition based preschool. One of the reasons, I have been a stay home mom is that it was more costly for me to send 2 children to daycare than what my salary was. (Remember, I was a social worker for a non-profit residential home for abused and neglected children. I loved my job and working anywhere else was not an option as that job was more of a ministry to me and not a job based on salary alone).

We are having to decide how many days we can afford and if that many days is enough to prepare them for K5. I personally don't feel that the 2 days they are currently going is enough to prepare them as they will be the youngest in their class and males, at that. Also, other than this past year, they have not been exposed to any other structured, educational program. However, more days requires more money.

JB and I are prematurely deciding to hold them back to repeat K5 so that they will not be the youngest and to keep them from possibly struggling their way through school. I have talked with an Elementary School Counselor who agreed with our decision and highly recommends it for children in the same situation as my boys, especially since boys mature slower than girls which can affect their confidence, education, and self-esteem during school furthermore effecting them throughout their life. Although, this decision doesn't have to be made until after their 1st year of K5, what we decide about next year's pre-school can effect this future decision. (However, I am not recommending this for your child nor am I assuming that if you don't make the same decisions as we, you are wrong. You have to make your own decision for what is best for your family. I am speaking for my children and family only.)

I welcome any suggestions or experiences from any readers as we prayerfully make these decisions for our boys.

“It is always thus, impelled by a state of mind which is destined not to last, that we make our irrevocable decisions”~Marcel Proust

Until next time, HB


Jeremy and Christy said...

I really wish I knew of advice to give you and these are the types of decisions, as parents, we wish God would just come down from the sky and say, "DO THIS!" We are in a totally different situation (Rileigh is obviously a girl and turns 5 in November) so telling you what we are doing is no help. If you want any kinds of tools or tips as to how to work with them at home, I can definitely give you those. My mother has LOTS of things she uses in her 4 year old classroom that could we could pass over to you. (Ask Tiff, my mom is EXCELLENT at what she does!) That is what I am having to do because paying for 5 days at this point in our lives is just not an option. I'll be thinking of you and your decision! Let me know if you need anything!!

K Storm said...

I think prayer is the main ingredient, AND being open to the answers too. You know that my plan changed when I was torn between 2 schools. Cost was a big factor but also what provided flexiblity for me and a sense of security and routine for my son. It has worked out very well for our family too and he has been happy and amazed me by what he knows. We will do the same schedule next year and maybe I can find a way to substitute or do something that helps offset the cost though mine is only for 1 child.

The moving ahead but holding back in K5 worked so well for my nephew. First of all because of the cost of another year of preschool was eliminated, also he was able to review and now is a wonderful student in 3rd grade. That is him, but I have seen this happen a lot lately with Sissy's friends and classmates too.

I'll be praying for you as you make your decisions.

the williams said...

i read this last night and then thought about it after i went to bed. from what you wrote, it seems like there's not really any downside to holding them back...and for a plus, they'll be at home with you for an extra year before they go off to college.

of course, they will have a different set of friends b/c they will be in a different class, but i don't think that is a plus or a minus...just different.

whichever you choose, i'm sure they will be fine, but, for what it's worth, that's my 2 cents!

The Henderson Family said...

i know our situation is VERY different from you guys. We know our children will NEVER be with the same children all through school since we move every two years. i think this decision is different for EVERY family. prayer first (which it seems you have got down), the faith in God that you are making the right decision. The right decision will give you peace when you think about it. Also, don't discredit yourself. The amount of information they learn at home with their parents is AMAZING! The right option for our family is homeschooling. Rhett learns much better one on one. He is already reading at 4. I am not saying homeschooling is for everyone. Just remember that they learn a lot from you guys! As long as they learn to put God first in their lives everything else will fall into place!