Smile for the Joy of Others

Smile for the Joy of Others

Monday, March 29, 2010

Confession Session

As part of our nightly routine to putting the boys to bed, we read a Bible story out of their children's Bible.

Well, this particular night several weeks ago was on the 10 Commandments, AKA, the 10 Commamments to the boys.

JB was reading each commandment when CB stopped him and asked, "What does stealing mean?"

So JB begins to explain, "Well, if Reid (a friend at school) has some colored pencils that you like and you wanted them. While Reid wasn't looking or when he left the room, you took his colored pencils, used them, and then put them in your backpack to bring home without Reid knowing...that would be stealing. When you take something that's not yours without asking or when it hasn't been given to you."

My sweet CB urgently announced with such an anxiety, "I was only borrowing them, Daddy. I didn't have any colored pencils. Reid said I could use them!"

JB and I had to keep our composure and try not to laugh as CB voluntarily and so openly "confessed of his sins" based on a mere example.

Bless his heart...CB turned the 10 Commandments into a night of Confession Session.