Smile for the Joy of Others

Smile for the Joy of Others

Friday, September 21, 2007

Church Mouse (1)

A drunk was staggering back from the pub one night when he came across a baptism taking place in the river.

He wanted a closer look and, hazily walked right up to the river bank. The preacher saw him and, seeing the inebriated state he was in, decided to save his soul!

He grabbed the drunk, plunging him into the icy water and praying in a loud voice! He lifted his head and asked "now brother...have you found the Lord this day?" "No!" replies the man!

The preacher, taken aback plunges the drunk under the freezing water again. After a time he lets him up again, and asks in a louder voice, if he has yet found the Lord!! To his horror the answer comes back again! "NO!"

Outraged the preacher puts him under the water for a third time and holds him there for a good minute or so! He drags the poor wretch out of the river and shouts "Now, my fallen and unredeemed brother ... for the love of God, have you found the Lord?!"

The man replies..."NO!.... are you sure this is where he fell in?"

This is a fun story from a website my dad sent to me called "Episcopalians for Traditional Faith". On their site they have a section called "Church Mouse" which features fun, entertaining stories such as the one above. I think you will enjoy the few I post, I know I have enjoyed reading them.

Until next, HB

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