Smile for the Joy of Others

Smile for the Joy of Others

Tuesday, June 16, 2015

You've got to Stand for Something....

or you'll fall for anything.

I recently asked a candidate what stance he/she has on how much the gov should be involved in "xyz"
Here's what he/she had to say:
"I certainly have personal opinions but I don't think it's appropriate for me to publicly voice at this time since this issue will not be on the desk of a supervisor. Hope you understand how things like this can be misconstrued either way."

I have a problem with that answer. It doesn't matter what the issue is, when you are running for public office, meaning you are voted into office and thus paid by the very voters who elected is most appropriate to answer the questions your voters ask. You see, when you hold a public office, I as a voter, want to know what your views of government involvement in any matter, be it personal or business BEFOFE I vote for you, support you and campaign for you. And a candidate's stance on government involvement, is a priority voting issue for me.

We complain about our legislature voting on bills only find out what it's dare a candidate expect his/her voters to elect him/her only to find out later where they stand on issues.

Just know, if you as a candidate refuse to tell me your views, I will not support you. I'd rather keep an incumbent who has a voting record I can track and hold him/her accountable to it, than support someone who refuses to let me know how they will govern.

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