This election, y'all. It has made me realize how much I've trusted elected officials in the past too much. It's made me recognize the deceit, the chaos, the doubt, and the faithlessness that satan has used to divide evangelical Christians. It's proving that far too many times in the past, Christians have relied on government to change America and 'encourage' American Christians when government can actually be the enemy. American Christians, again, are relying on a particular candidate the 'save' them from an opposing politician or political party. We've even resulted to condemning our own brothers and sisters by way in which they vote when we should be instead encouraging them to vote according to their convictions upon which are given by God through prayer.
Evangelicals have resulted in some of the same tactics as their opposing voters. I've seen some of the nastiest words spoken against fellow believers because they have either chosen not to vote or not to vote for one of the 2 major party candidates, all in spite of genuine conviction. I don't like the "not voting" stance, but I must remember that stance, too, is a freedom of choice. And no amount of ugly condemnation is going to change their minds no more than the same condemnation will change the votes of those who choose to vote a third party. No amount of guilt shaming will change that either. And I'd expect better behavior from fellow evangelicals.
One guilt tactic I see is shaming those who do not vote Trump by questioning their faith in sovereignty. "You must not trust God's sovereignty if you think Trump shouldn't be president." Sure, there are some who are placing too much faith in a political candidate to save them from Hillary and to save the greatness of America. (I mentioned this point above). However, I want to counter that theory of sovereignty. If you are going to use sovereignty to guilt people into voting for Trump, then you must trust this same sovereignty if Hillary becomes next President. If sovereignty is going to be used to convince Christians to vote for Trump, then you have to trust sovereignty if he loses and Hillary is president. You have to trust sovereignty in response to the past 8 years of Obama. We don't suddenly choose sovereignty as a way to convince because we prefer one candidate over another. God doesn't reign with sovereignty based on political parties. He sees a man's heart, not his political party.
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