Smile for the Joy of Others

Smile for the Joy of Others

Tuesday, July 21, 2015

"Bath Salts"

This was posted on FB by a Madison County Justice Court Judge.

If you have children old enough to understand what drugs are, please take time to read this and make other parents aware.  And please talk to your teens about it. 

"So, I don't often post things about what happens in court, but yesterday, I had a guy from out of state who was arrested because he allegedly was in possession ...with intent to distribute "bath salts."
My only interaction with him was...and will ever set his bond. But before I was finished I said to him, "I don't know if you are guilty or innocent of this charge. I am not here to decide that...I can only set a bond on the charge in front of me. But if you were, in fact, in possession of "bath salts" with the intent to sell it... go back to your home state and do it there because we don't want it in Madison County."

Y'all, this stuff is killing our children. I've seen kids in my court so messed up on the stuff that they almost seem brain damaged. If you dare to Google a video of someone on it, it will give you nightmares.

As a Justice Court Judge, I can't do much more than set a bond on a drug dealer---or any felon. But as a mother, I beg you.....the first time you even suspect your child may be doing it, near it, thinking about doing proactive.

And if you know anyone selling it, let our sheriff know. We are all in the business of keeping our children safe, and this is one drug on the street we don't want them "experimenting with."
And here is a message to anyone who may think they will make a buck off of dealing it: Not here. Not our children. Not in Madison County. Not on my watch."

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