You must decide who is lying? Reeves' appointee to the Head of the Senate Ed Committee who supposedly knows what is in the bill and has no Republican opposition for the August primaries or Reeves, who is up for re-election and has an opponent?
Friends, if you remotely keep up with the local news, then I'm sure you have read or heard that the legislature passed a bill that would end Common Core. Lt. Gov Tate Reeves is responsible for that lie. You see, it's election year and like many politicians, he will say what he needs to say to get re-elected. He's hoping you are fools enough not to notice. And he's relying on the media to quote him and his colleagues instead of quoting the actual bill, itself. He trusts the media too much and they trust him too much.
I've read SB 2161. There is no language in the bill that actually repeals nor prohibits MS from CC standards and the plethora of federal mandates that are attached to CC. Simply put, this bill says "we don't have to call it Common Core State Standards any more." So, they decided to call it Mississippi College and Career Readiness. You will find many other states who have similar names by means of the same process. And this bill appoints a Commission of such to research standards and make recommendations to the MS DoE. These recommendations can either rid the state of CC or keep them.
If you are still reading, let me introduce another key player in this. I would like to introduce you to Senator Gray Tollison. He is Reeves' appointee as Chair of the Senate Education Committee. Did you catch that?...Chair of the Senate Education Committee. With that appointment, he should know what is actually in the bill since he's responsible for presenting it to the Senate for a vote. Oh, and a side note about Tollison, 2 days after he won his 5th re-election as a Democrat, he announced his switch to the Republican Party, but I digress.
Yesterday, as Sen. Tollison was presenting the bill and taking questions from other Senators, he engaged in a somewhat heavy discussion with Senator Jordon of Greenwood. Sen Jordon wants to keep CCSS for MS. He was asking Sen. Tollison why MS was getting rid of CC so soon and not giving it a chance. The discussion went back and forth and it was obvious they were both frustrated with each other bc of their differing view points on this matter and the language in the bill.
It was at this time Sen. Tollison, (and let me emphasize again, Reeves' appointee as Chair of the Senate Ed Committee) with exasperation ended his debate with Sen. Jordon by saying "Again, Mr. Jordon, nobody is getting rid of anything." Please note the use of "again" in his statement. He was emphasizing to Sen Jordon, yet again, that this bill does not repeal CC in MS.
Now, you must decide who is lying?....Reeves' appointee as Chair of the Senate Ed Committee who supposedly knows what is in the bill and has no Republican opposition for the primaries in August or Reeves, who is up for re-election and has an opponent?