I haven't had much time to blog. I DO NOT recommend moving and remodeling in December for obvious reasons. However, I am taking a moment to wish y'all a Merry Christmas. We have so much to be thankful for and to be Merry but the most is the birth of our Saviour, Jesus Christ!
PS. Several asked how did a get such a good pic...well, it all started in early November:
I thought since being in the Delta, I would attempt some pics in a cotton field. 5 minutes we were there and a cotton picker drives up and runs us out of the field. And the few pics I got of the boys...they are more interested in looking at the machine than the camera. And none of the pics show any sign of smiles and "good will toward men". It took 3 different photo sessions for me to finally get a decent pic. And the one I finally got was a "happen stance" out of about 20. They accidentally bumped heads and I happened to snap the pic at the right time to catch them both smiling. The other 19 are of them crying with huge tears and snot b/c they are too cold to smile. I have to admit, it was one of the coldest days we had but I was determined, come pneumonia or colds, we were gonna have a Christmas picture. So to those that got a card, you better frame and hang that picture and have it displayed when I visit. The trouble I went through to get that pic...I'm just saying.