Smile for the Joy of Others

Smile for the Joy of Others

Sunday, October 21, 2012


First let me make it clear...I am in NO WAY defending the ACLU.  I don't like the ACLU for what they defend.  But my focus of this blog is not what the ACLU can do but rather what they can't do.

This past week, the ACLU presented a MS County School Superintendent with a letter demanding they cease all prayers on school grounds.  There were allegations of teachers and coaches leading students in prayers and scripture during school hours and/or during extra curricular activity hours.

Of course, some of the first reactions were typical of a Southern Bible Belt:

"When prayer was in schools crime was much lower and the kids had more respect for others. Since prayer was taken out of schools crime has increased and respect went out the window. "

"This is America ... People should be allowed to pray any where they choose to in any place at any time .."

"The biggest problem today are these people speaking out against God. Do you not see that this is why all of these kids are getting bullied at school, more and more suicides/school shooting are occurring, more and more negativity are plaguing the kids of the future, etc." 

My opinion in regards to the above reactions...I don't believe school crime or the decline of 'school behavior' is solely blamed on the lack of prayer in schools.  The lack of prayer may not expose a set of values to be followed or expected but it's not the sole reason for decline.  

I believe the decline of 'school behavior' is a direct consequence of the moral decline in our culture.  The moral decline of our culture is a direct consequence of the decline of the traditional family.  The decline of the traditional family is a direct consequence of the lack of God in the home.  Another words...Prayers left the home long before prayers left the schools. 

Sometime in cases when a freedom is challenged, people suddenly think it's popular to stand up for that freedom.  My question to those who suddenly find it popular to stand up for God...1.  Are you as worried as much about prayer in your home as you are at school?  2. Does your life as a whole reflect the glory of God as much as you think this prayer in school does? 3.  Do you realize that your actual freedom to pray in school is not being challenged but instead administration lead prayer is?  4.  Do you live your life glorifying God with as much passion as you are fighting this challenge?  

Does if frustrate me that Christians seem be challenged in more areas of religious freedom?...more than I could ever express with words on a mere blog.    And I do have a problem with the minority who want to ruin it for the majority...especially if it's been done for years without any issues.  But I also know that laws are put in place for reasons and rural schools must follow the same federal laws as metropolis schools.   And these laws are upheld for reasons even if we don't always find them fair.  Think about this for a moment...the law allows prayers in school.  If this is the case, then the law has to allow prayers of other religions:  Hindu, Buddhist, Muslim, Wicca, etc.  That means there could be administration lead prayers representing all religions that are enrolled in any given school.  With that law in place, it would mean our children would be exposed to and influenced by all different religions.  I DO NOT WANT the public school system spiritually influencing my children especially when paying for private school is not the best financial option for families and it's really not needed when the public school offers excellent academic opportunities and learning.  

No one should rely on the public school to spiritually influence your child.  God didn't ordain the government to be the spiritual influence for our children.  He ordained the church and the family.  If there is enough prayer at home, there will be plenty to make up the lack of it at school.  And it doesn't stop with prayer.  You live your life to passionately glorify God, your children will be far more influenced than any prayer at school. 

Furthermore, the ACLU can't stop a group of students from praying.  How many of students gathering at a table, bow their heads and thank God for their food, whether vocally or silently.? How many students gather minutes before school starts and pray for their fellow classmates and teachers?  How many students gather before school and hold an open Bible Study inviting ANYONE to attend?  How many glorify God with their language, their actions, and their reactions during school hours?  And how many glorify God on any given "Friday night out with friends"?  How many of us parents pray with our children before school?  How many of us parents gather together on ocassion to pray for our children, their teachers, their fellow classmates and the school administration?  These are freedoms that go beyond prayer in schools that the ACLU can not take away yet we don't practice them.

So you see, we, Christians, have more power than the ACLU gives us credit. We have power they can't take away and that's how we live our life.  They might can stop a government administrator from praying but they can't stop you as an individual citizen from glorifying God with a prayer or your life no matter where you are standing...a court room, a school room, a hospital room or your office.  So Live out loud for Christ...sadly, that's a freedom we rarely see used to the fullest extent of God's law in this day and time.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

For we wrestle not against flesh and blood, but against principalities, against powers, against the rulers of the darkness of this world, against spiritual wickedness in high [places] (Eph. 6:12).