Smile for the Joy of Others

Smile for the Joy of Others

Thursday, May 31, 2007

Our Trip to Target

This post is an "oldie" from Myspace. I posted it April 5th, so when reading keep in mind that this happened a few months ago. I hope you enjoy...

Last night I tried my luck again with getting the boys out by myself. It was not as good as our Wal-Mart trip that I blogged about a few weeks ago.

If any of you reading this live in the Dogwood area, you might have heard us. It was screaming, whining, crying, tears, snot... and that's me I'm talking about while running out of Target.

The boys were terrible. They didn't want to stay in the buggy, they were throwing the items out of the buggy and hollering "uh-oh", spitting their juice at each other and then laughing about it as it were part of their comedy act (only no one seemed to be laughing but them).

I knew it was time to go when they both started hollering "doo-doo" while grabbing the crotch of their pants. And since recently they have done that to let me know they need changing, it's not unusual for both to have a dirty diaper within minutes of each other if not at the same time.

I paid for what few items were fortunate to have remained in the buggy and had not fallen victim of literally being thrown overboard. Upon getting them in their car seats, I learned that neither had "doo-doo". I guess it was their last effort of getting themselves out of shopping with mom--to which they claim victory, because it worked.

When I got home, JB could tell I was frazzled. He just shook his head and reminded me of his continuous warning..."HB, one day I'm gonna come home and find you rope bound and gagged. And all I can say is, 'I told you not to turn your back on them'"

Until next time, I will be sleeping with one eye open,

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